Exercises to Help Seniors Stand & Sit Up Straighter

Performing simple exercises helps seniors to improve their posture. Baltimore Home Care has listed down some below; Health Benefits of Good Posture Standing and sitting up straight improve breathing. Slipped discs are more common in people who slouch constantly. Maintaining proper posture enhances blood flow, prevents osteoporosis, and improves digestion. Exercises to Improve Posture Seniors should consult their healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen. Swimming A stronger core leads to better posture by keeping the spine from curving. Water aerobics offers the same benefits as swimming laps. Exercising in the water has the added benefit of being low-impact. Standing on Tip-Toe Like swimming, the following exercises strengthen the core. It is advisable to use a support like a handrail or a wall while performing balance exercises. Standing on tip-toe or one leg for 20-30 seconds daily can improve balance. Also, try walking along a straight line. The Wall Slide ...