Dementia and Anger: 6 Calming Strategies
It's not uncommon for seniors to express some anger and frustration when they have dementia. As a caregiver, you need to know how to calm them and handle the situation. Baltimore Home Care has a few strategies you can adopt to calm your loved one. 1. Understand Their Limits Telling your loved ones to brush their teeth may seem like a simple task. However, for someone who has dementia, it's actually a huge task. Not only do they need to remember which bathroom to go to, but they also have to remember which toothbrush is theirs, which tube is toothpaste, how to actually brush their teeth, and what to do with the toothpaste when they're done brushing. It's a series of complex steps that can be easy to get wrong for someone re-learning the task. As a caregiver, you need to understand their limits. Instead of pushing them, you should work with them. 2. Make Complex Decisions Simpler One reason your loved ones may be upset is that they may feel that you're cont...