Digital and Trendy Games for Seniors

Among some of the biggest challenges for age-in-place adults are avoiding prolonged periods of isolation and making sure to get enough mental stimulation. During times when getting out is a struggle, digital games can provide an exciting, colorful, and undeniably engaging window into the outside world. Best of all, many of the latest and trendiest digital games also have several exciting social components. Players can join teams, enter tournaments and competitions, and use online chat platforms to connect with others. There are countless physical and mental health benefits that can be gained by playing digital games, especially during the golden years. Home Care Baltimore lists some here;

Exercise Fine Motor Control and Dexterity

Many digital games are exercises of speed and dexterity. If playing them on a mobile phone or on any other touchscreen, seniors will have to react fast to colorful stimuli by making quick, precise movements with their fingers. During a time of periodic or persistent joint stiffness, and for those finding themselves leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the challenge of reaction-style games is both exciting and physically rewarding. Playing reaction-style games keeps reflexes sharp, reaction times fast, and the brain fully engaged. Among some of the best options in this class are Stick Pin, Quick Dice, and Running Circle.

Engage in Critical Thinking

Absent of stimulating, in-person conversations with old friends, age-in-place adults can sharpen and hone their critical thinking skills with trivia games and age-old favorites like chess. There's nothing as good at keeping a person feeling young, confident, and motivated to perform like bringing out their competitive side. In addition to chess and trivia, among some of the best digital games for stimulating critical thought are:

• New York Times Crossword
• Block! HexaPuzzlegame
• Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles
• Puzzlemaker.

Refresh Basic Language and Math Skills

Everyone needs a quick review of basic grammar and mathematics from time to time. These areas of learning can be gradually lost if they aren't used and refreshed. Word games and games that require basic adding and subtracting are incredibly helpful to this end. Not only will seniors who play these games retain their old skills, but they'll also have the benefit of forming new neural connections. There's a mobile phone app for "Wheel of Fortune" that offers a challenging, immersive experience for anyone who loves "Hangman"-type puzzles. There are also popular word games like:

• Word Crack
• Word Cookies
• Word Trivia

These are great for revisiting basic spelling skills, learning new words, and challenging other players to exciting word duels. For basic math, some of the more on-trend games include:

• 2048
• Heatos
• Threes!

Basic card games and digital dominoes are also great to this end, as are mahjong and mahjong solitaire mobile apps.

With these and other digital games, players can join online communities, pit their wits against others, and strengthen a variety of physical and mental skills. Notwithstanding these things, digital games on their own don't offer sufficient social interaction. When seniors need more ways to connect with and engage with others, they can always take advantage of the companionship care and transportation services that home care companies provide. With these, home care workers can take age-in-place adults to the movies, church, and other social venues. They can even transport them to and from visits with their close friends. Baltimore Home Care believes that with the right balance of stimulation and social engagement, the "Golden Years" can be just as glowing and fulfilling as they're meant to be.


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