
How Seniors Can Utilize Smartphone?

In these modern times, the world is driven by technology. Hand-held devices like the Smartphone have taken society by storm. People have gotten so accustomed to having this constant companion that they are literally lost without it. It has become the one thing that no one can do without because the benefit of having this device is astronomical. Even children as young as two years of age have their own smartphones, and yes, they know how to use them. The Smartphone is an essential business asset, and a requirement of most companies that all employees have one. The Smartphone has also become an important part of the life of an older adult. Home Care Baltimore explains how seniors can utilize it well; The Smartphone is beneficial to older adults because in one way it is a constant companion. This is how they communicate with family and friends. They have become proficient with the features of talk, text, and video chat. Some seniors are avid social media followers, and they engage in m...

Dementia and Anger: 6 Calming Strategies

It's not uncommon for seniors to express some anger and frustration when they have dementia. As a caregiver, you need to know how to calm them and handle the situation. Baltimore Home Care has a few strategies you can adopt to calm your loved one. 1. Understand Their Limits Telling your loved ones to brush their teeth may seem like a simple task. However, for someone who has dementia, it's actually a huge task. Not only do they need to remember which bathroom to go to, but they also have to remember which toothbrush is theirs, which tube is toothpaste, how to actually brush their teeth, and what to do with the toothpaste when they're done brushing. It's a series of complex steps that can be easy to get wrong for someone re-learning the task. As a caregiver, you need to understand their limits. Instead of pushing them, you should work with them. 2. Make Complex Decisions Simpler One reason your loved ones may be upset is that they may feel that you're cont...

Digital and Trendy Games for Seniors

Among some of the biggest challenges for age-in-place adults are avoiding prolonged periods of isolation and making sure to get enough mental stimulation. During times when getting out is a struggle, digital games can provide an exciting, colorful, and undeniably engaging window into the outside world. Best of all, many of the latest and trendiest digital games also have several exciting social components. Players can join teams, enter tournaments and competitions, and use online chat platforms to connect with others. There are countless physical and mental health benefits that can be gained by playing digital games, especially during the golden years. Home Care Baltimore lists some here; Exercise Fine Motor Control and Dexterity Many digital games are exercises of speed and dexterity. If playing them on a mobile phone or on any other touchscreen, seniors will have to react fast to colorful stimuli by making quick, precise movements with their fingers. During a time of periodic or...

Potassium Rich Foods & Their Benefits

Potassium, or vitamin K, is very important to overall health in the body. It can be found in a variety of foods, making it easy to ingest a sufficient amount of it. The variety of foods help allow everyone to be able to find a food that they like or can eat that includes potassium. It is part of a well-rounded diet. Health Benefits Potassium is an important part of every diet. It can help prevent many illnesses and contribute to an overall healthy body. The recommended dosage of potassium is at least 4,700 mg per day. By adding the right foods into your routine, it can be easy to make sure you are getting enough. Ingesting enough potassium each day can greatly assist the heart muscles, which help you live a longer and healthier life. Its main job is to help reverse the effects of too much sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. Therefore, enough potassium can actually lower your blood pressure, or keep it low if you are already healthy. With lower blood pressure comes a lesser ...

Self-Care Tips for Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients

As a caregiver, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Caregivers are usually taking care of their responsibilities caring for their senior loved ones all day, and all night. You rarely take a break because you do not want to leave the older adult in someone else's care. You neglect your own health by missing doctor appointments, and your social life has dwindled. You are the epitome of a quality care provider. Your older adult has Dementia, and you do not want any changes in the home environment that may cause aggressive behaviors. This is to be commended, but you could use some tips listed by Home Care Baltimore to help you with your self-care. It is alright to put yourself first periodically. You will be much better at doing so. 1. Do Not Hesitate To Ask For Help Because Everyone Needs It Once In A While If it is only for one or two hours at a time, it will be very beneficial to you. Ask for help for specifi...

Exercises to Help Seniors Stand & Sit Up Straighter

Performing simple exercises helps seniors to improve their posture. Baltimore Home Care has listed down some below; Health Benefits of Good Posture Standing and sitting up straight improve breathing. Slipped discs are more common in people who slouch constantly. Maintaining proper posture enhances blood flow, prevents osteoporosis, and improves digestion. Exercises to Improve Posture Seniors should consult their healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen. Swimming A stronger core leads to better posture by keeping the spine from curving. Water aerobics offers the same benefits as swimming laps. Exercising in the water has the added benefit of being low-impact. Standing on Tip-Toe Like swimming, the following exercises strengthen the core. It is advisable to use a support like a handrail or a wall while performing balance exercises. Standing on tip-toe or one leg for 20-30 seconds daily can improve balance. Also, try walking along a straight line. The Wall Slide ...

5 Instagram Celebrities Embracing Happier Aging

Growing older gracefully and embracing the aging process is what many celebrity seniors are doing, and setting an example for other senior citizens. Many seniors are looking better than they have in previous years because they are continuing to take good care of themselves physically and mentally. They are not trying to hide the wonders of nature, but instead, they are allowing nature to take its course. These celebrities are redefining what growing older means. They are setting a trend that points towards the idea that growing older is to be celebrated. They are enjoying happier aging. Home Care Baltimore has listed down some of these celebrities include Instagram stars: 1. Heidi Dillon She is a former television producer who has stayed a step ahead of the curve. She is paving the way for other retirees who want to make the best of their golden years. She was born in Texas and made several headlines for the way that she is embracing aging. She has allowed her blonde hair to trans...