Learning About Anxiety In Seniors

Everyone has had times in their life when they felt anxious about something, or a particular circumstance. Normally the worry or fear soon subsides. When this occurs with an older adult, it could be a little more than just simple anxiety that goes away after a while. Home Care Baltimore knows that for many senior citizens, having a fear of something can last for a long period of time. Being anxious that something is about to happen can cause an older adult to fall deeply into a state of anxiety. This could be disabling for most seniors, and it could cause them to stay confined in their homes.

Anxiety In Seniors

There is more to anxiety than worrying about missing, or being late, for a meeting, having an overwhelming workload, or standing in front of people giving a speech. The difference between this anxiety and the anxiety felt by seniors is that with older adults it is more intense. The fear gets to the point where they are afraid to leave their homes. They become unable to do their daily tasks, and sometimes do not take care of their basic needs. Anxiety disorder is very real in seniors and could lead to more serious complications.

Symptoms And Signs Of Anxiety

Older adults will exhibit signs of anxiety that caregivers and family members should surely notice. Phobias are a definite indication that your senior loved one is experiencing prolonged anxiety. They will have a morbid fear of certain things like going outside, driving their car, or even thunderstorms. This extreme fear may seem irrational to others but is genuine for the older adult. Seniors may also have Panic Disorder where they panic or show terror about something. Panic attacks can happen suddenly, and your senior loved one may experience some breathing difficulty, shaking, or want to get away from a situation. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) may also occur. If your senior loved one has had some type of trauma in their life, they may have flashbacks that could spark an anxiety attack.

Anxiety Could Worsen In Older Adults

Most people of younger ages usually get over their anxiety fairly quickly, but in older adults, it may linger for a while. In fact, it could worsen as the senior gets older. If anxiety persists, and the concerns about it increase, it may give the older adult the feeling that there is, even more, to be anxious about. Your senior loved one will withdraw from social interaction as well as communicating with family. If the symptoms appear to get worse, it is time to encourage your older adult to see their doctor.

Baltimore Home Care understands that anxiety disorder can be a handicap to older adults because it does not allow them to see the irrational part of this illness. Treatment options are available, and their doctor can help determine the best option to take. As with any other medical issue that your senior loved one is trying to manage, anxiety is one that could prevent the proper management of other issues.


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